Giuliano Garavini

Visiting Scholar

Education: PhD, University of Florence

Research Areas: European integration, decolonization, and the Global South, the history of energy and petroleum


About Giuliano

Giuliano Garavini teaches International History at Roma Tre University in Rome.

He has mainly written about European integration, decolonization and the Global South, the history of energy and natural resources. He has taught and received fellowships in various institutions including the European University Institute (EUI), the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the University of Bologna and the University of Padua, and has been a Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities at NYUAD where he left his collection of OPEC archives.

He is the author among others of After Empires. European Integration, Decolonization and the Challenge from the Global South, 1957-1986 (OUP, 2012) and has co-edited Oil Shock. The 1973 Crisis and its Economic Legacy (IB Tauris, 2017), and Counter-Shock. The Oil Counter-Revolution of the 1980s (IB Tauris, 2019).

His latest book is The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the 20th Century (OUP, 2019).




Garavini, GiulianoThe Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century. Oxford University Press, 2019.

Basosi, Duccio, Giuliano Garavini, and Massimiliano Trentin, eds. Counter-shock: The Oil Counter-Revolution of the 1980s. I.B. Tauris, 2018.

Bini, Elisabetta, Giuliano Garavini, and Federico Romero, eds. Oil shock: The 1973 crisis and its economic legacy. I.B. Tauris, 2016.

Beltran, Alain, Éric Bussière, and Giuliano Garavini, eds. L'Europe et la question énergétique. Les années 1960/1980. Peter Lang B, 2016.


Garavini, Giuliano. “From Boumedienomics to Reaganomics: Algeria, OPEC, and the International Struggle for Economic Equality.” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 6, no. 1 (2015): 79-92.

Book Chapters

Giuliano, Garavini. “Western Europe and the Long Energy Crisis of the 1970s.” In Europe in a Globalizing World: Global Challenges and European Responses in the ‘long’ 1970s, ed. Claudia Hiepel, 147-164. Nomos, 2014.


Giuliano Garavini, "H-Diplo Roundtable XXII-14 on Garavini. The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century," in H-Diplo (H-Net, 2020).



“OPEC: A History of Petroleum”



In the News

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