Interfolio Guide

Step One

Go to the Humanities Research Fellowship for the Study of the Arab World online application on Interfolio and click “Apply Now”:


Step Two

Sign in if you already have an account, or click to “create an account”:


Step Three

Upload required materials to the application by clicking “Add File” to add required materials:

Scholars who received their PhDs within the last five years are required to upload all the listed documents. Scholars who received their PhDs more than five years ago are required to upload only the required documents.

Open the “Add New File” tab to upload materials from your computer:

Once you have selected a file to upload, select the type of materials you are uploading from the dropdown menu. Click to “Add”:

“Type” describes the material and indicates which requirement it satisfies such as: CV, Proposal, Dissertation Abstract, Publication, etc.


Step Four

Send a request for a confidential letter of recommendation by clicking “Add File” under the requirement for confidential letters of recommendation:

Scholars who received their PhDs within the last five years are required to submit three letters of recommendation directly through Interfolio.

Open the “Request a Recommendation” tab, and click the “Request” button to begin the process:

Fill out the recommendation request form and hit the “Send Request” button:

You will receive an email notification that your letter request has been sent

When the recommendation is received from your letter writer, Interfolio will automatically attach it to the application.

Your request will appear with the status “Requested” until the letter writer accepts or denies the request. If they accept, the status will be listed as “Pending” until we receive the letter.


Step Five

Fill out the three forms required for the application, and click “Next” when you are finished:

All scholars are required to fill out the contact information of three referees in the Additional Information form.


Step Six

Review, confirm, and submit your application:

This page gives an overview of your progress toward completing the application.
Each section must be completed before you submit your application.


Call for Applications

Applications for our postdoctoral research fellowship for the 2025-26 academic year are now closed.