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And the Sultan Needs to Know… The Production and Transmission of Knowledge at Islamicate Courts of the Postformative Period

Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the role of Islamic princely courts as centers of political and social life in the postformative period. Yet, the importance of Islamic courts as centers of the production and transmission of scholarly knowledge is thus far only very incompletely understood. The workshop addresses for the first time the role of courts in the production and transmission of scholarly knowledge during the Islamic postformative period (c. 1050–1800 CE) by approaching the topic from a transregional and diachronic perspective. Bringing together experts on various areas and eras of Islamic history, it paves the way for first comparative conclusions about the role of courts in the educational and scholarly history of the postformative Islamic world and thus lays the ground for a more holistic interpretation of this important aspect of Islamic social and intellectual history. At the same time, the workshop helps to fill a glaring gap in our understanding of Islamic courts, thus marking a significant step ahead within the nascent field of Islamic court studies.

April 8

Gender and Tafsīr Studies: Limitations, Opportunities and Challenges

March 11

Bedouin poets and poetesses in northern Arabia: this year’s fieldwork